Well sorry guys for not blogging in a few days but I have been busy planning a covert operation. It's very complicated and needed revisions and I might make one final revision before putting in it into action tomorrow. I wish I could say what is the plan but I decided that would be risky and audacious. So let's wrap up the how do we know Christianity is true series!
Wolfhart Pannenberg
Well he thought that the modern theologians were retreating from the attacks of the seculars sciences. He saw that people who based the foundation for Christianity in mere subjective expierences we trying to shelter Christianity from attacks. That is to say that since there is no way of disproving a subjective expierence Christianity would be safe. But he said that if Christianity was going to make a claim to knowledge and present itself to the world it must also subject itself to the testing and verification. So he placed a tremendous importance on history.
Let's explain his thought. Many people who have read the Bible know how boring it could be sometimes reading about the dates and the number of kings that it had etc. The Bible if it were not the word of God could be accurately called a history book of acient times. So Pannenberg thought this if the Bible asserts all these historical events, then we can investigate them through historical research. For example the Bible talks about the roman empire. If a historian wanted to see if the Bible was credible and accurate in talking about the roman empire than he would investigate to see if the Bible accurately describes the roman empire. Thus, Pannenberg thought the job of proving the Bible is up to the historian. Since the Bible talks about history than they can be investigated by history. If history and the Bible matches perfectly that one can conclude reasonably that the Bible is true word of God. But how does he reach this conclusion. Well the Bible talks about Jesus no? Well it talks about the ressurection of the Christ no? The Bible talks about this as a historical event. So it cannot escape historical research and thus there is a way of proving if it really happened. If it did it can be said with a certain degree of knowledge that Jesus really did come from God. So Christianity must be true. Since the historical facts are reliable one can put his faith in the Bible and in Jesus Christ.
Well next time we will discuss Alvin plantiga and his thought. Then we will wrap this up and do some more natural theology.
Wolfhart Pannenberg
Well he thought that the modern theologians were retreating from the attacks of the seculars sciences. He saw that people who based the foundation for Christianity in mere subjective expierences we trying to shelter Christianity from attacks. That is to say that since there is no way of disproving a subjective expierence Christianity would be safe. But he said that if Christianity was going to make a claim to knowledge and present itself to the world it must also subject itself to the testing and verification. So he placed a tremendous importance on history.
Let's explain his thought. Many people who have read the Bible know how boring it could be sometimes reading about the dates and the number of kings that it had etc. The Bible if it were not the word of God could be accurately called a history book of acient times. So Pannenberg thought this if the Bible asserts all these historical events, then we can investigate them through historical research. For example the Bible talks about the roman empire. If a historian wanted to see if the Bible was credible and accurate in talking about the roman empire than he would investigate to see if the Bible accurately describes the roman empire. Thus, Pannenberg thought the job of proving the Bible is up to the historian. Since the Bible talks about history than they can be investigated by history. If history and the Bible matches perfectly that one can conclude reasonably that the Bible is true word of God. But how does he reach this conclusion. Well the Bible talks about Jesus no? Well it talks about the ressurection of the Christ no? The Bible talks about this as a historical event. So it cannot escape historical research and thus there is a way of proving if it really happened. If it did it can be said with a certain degree of knowledge that Jesus really did come from God. So Christianity must be true. Since the historical facts are reliable one can put his faith in the Bible and in Jesus Christ.
Well next time we will discuss Alvin plantiga and his thought. Then we will wrap this up and do some more natural theology.