Sunday, December 5, 2010

The second premise

2. It is not due to chance or necessity.

Well to begin with what do we mean by fine tunning? Well the laws of nature are so precise so to speak to allow life to exist. What do we mean by life? Any organism that uses energy from food and can reproduce. So the laws of nature are so fine tunned to even allow the most simplest cell to exist. Well some of you might object saying okay but that means nothing. Well it does since there is only one universe and it is highly unlikely that the laws of nature would have been this way. It is more probable that the laws of nature would have been life prohibiting than permitting. Most scienctist agree that the universe doesn't have to be the way it is, it could have been different. So this fine tunning requires explanation.


Some say well the laws just happen to be the right ones. Like the lottery it is highly inprobable you win it but someone got to win it. So the same with the universe. But this analogy fails because were are not asking why a universe exists. Of course some universe must exist. But we are asking why a fine tunned universe exists. So I agree some universe must exist but it is highly more likely that the universe be life prohibiting than permitting. Some respond by saying any universe is equally improbable. Well yes but it is more probable that the universe be life prohibiting than permitting. To give the proper analogy example, suppose we have 1 white ball thrown into a sea of black balls. And you have to blindfolded chose one. Any ball you grab is highly improbable. But you got to grab a ball but it is highly more probable that the ball you grab be a black ball than a white ball.

The anthropic principle.

Some people object by saying that we shouldn't be surprised at the fine tunning because if it weren't we wouldn't be here to observe it. Well this is a horrible objection. To give a analogy suppose you are put in front of a firing squad of 100 trained marksmen. The captain gives the orders READY, AIM, FIRE! You hear the roar of the guns and to your surprise you are still alive! And you say to yourself I shouldn't be surprised they missed because if they hadn't I wouldn't be here to observe it! Would you actually consider that answer for a minute. NO! You shouldn't be surprised that your not dead because your alive to observe it but you should be surprised that you alive. So the same applies with the principle.

The multiverse hypothesis.

The only way the principle can work if it were linked to a multiverse. Saying okay it is highly improbable that a fine tunned universe exists but there are many universe and some of them have to be fine tunned so we are just one of them. Well the multiverse hypothesis has nothing to be said in it favor. One of the main problems is that there has yet to be mentioned a mechanism to generate the many worlds. And the ones that have been proposed often themselves require fine tunning. So the problem get even worse. I will have more to say on the multiverse hypothesis tomorrow in a special article for it.

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