Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sorry I have been busy.

There has been a lot of tests in my school so I been hitting those books and trying to pass the exams. Anyway tomorrow I will blog about the KCA but for now let me talk about some issues that I have know about I have yet to resolve. First of cloning. I think that cloning will take away what it means to be human. For example if I make myself a clone well we can then ask does this clone have the same soul? The same mind? Also would it be human? Now of course it would be human by classification. But I think what makes us human is being unique having a clone would remove that uniqueness. Would we be within our right to kill the clone? So this is a issue that flies into ethics. Now my other issue is the problem of induction now the Christian has a good response to it but I have yet to understand it. How does God solve the problem? The problem of induction is simply how do we know that the future will be like the past. If I observe that snow is white today how do I know that it will be white tomorrow? Now some of you might ask well that is a stupid question! Of course it will be white tomorrow! But here is the thing how do you justify that assertion in other words what justification do you have for that assumption? Now one could say that if we observe that is displays certain behaviors than we a justified in inducing that it will always display the behavior. But then that leads too that nature can never change but science looks for change. Now somehow God solves the problem. I just don't understand how. When I do I will blog on it. Now the third thing is why do I keep on trying to ask this girl out after she said no three times! It is like trying to fly knowing it is impossible. I have to give up! Maybe after feb 14 I will. That is it for now take care and God bless!

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