Saturday, November 27, 2010

Been busy studying

I have been busy studying philosophy trying to figure out about abstract entities. Now I can go into a article about what they are but that would be superfluous. So tomorrow I will being to ontological argument. I will be presenting the most current form of the argument which I believe goes like this.

1. It is possible that a maximally great being exists.
2. If it is possible that maximally great being exists, than it must exist in some possible world.
3. If a maximally great being exists in some possible world, than it exists in all possible worlds.
4. If a maximally great being exists in all possible worlds, than it exists in the actual world.
5. If maximally great being exists it exists in the actual world.
6. Therefore a maximally great being exists.
7. Therefore God exists.

Pretty long argument right? Well some of you might be asking what is possible worlds. Possible worlds is just a description of asking how could have been reality. For example the proposition that John mcain is president is false in the actual world but can be true in some possible world. A possible world is the description of reality with different propositions. Or a way reality could be. Re-read that a couple of times in order for you to get it. Well that is it for this article the ontological argument is fairly quick so it should be done in a day or two.

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