Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Philosophical argument against infinite and some personal issues.

My next argument will be formally called the impossibility of tranversing the infinite. The argument goes as follows.

1. A actual infinite cannot be formed by successive addition.
2. A universe that is eternal implies a infinite formed by successive addition.
3. Therefore a eternal universe cannot exist.

Now first let me make clear but what I mean by infinite. There is two types of infinite. The actual and potential. The actual infinite is a collection of members whose numbers exceeded any natural number. The potential infinite is a set whose member progress toward infinity as a limit point but never get there.

Now let me talk about philosophy of time. There is two theories of time. The a theory and the b theory. A theory holds that the present is all that exists. That the past is done and the future has yet to exist. That we do endured moment by moment. The b theory holds that all time is actual that the people in 1988 are just as real as the people now and the people in 2020. That it is a illusion that time progresses moment by moment. For my argument I will assert a theory. Since I see it as sound and confirmed in our experience.

Now if the universe never began than the number of past events is infinite. That the universe has endured infinite days prior to today. But if that is true than we could never reach today. Since before today exist yesterday would have to arrive but if yesterday were have to arrive than the day before yesterday would have to arrive and so on a so forth. To give a analogy suppose person 1 goes to person 2 for a pen but person two doesn't have one so he goes to person 3 but he doesn't have one. And so on and so forth. Person 1 will never get that pen since everyone in this series is a borrowing lender. So back to my argument if the universe never began then we could never reach today. But here we are so the universe must have a beginning.

Now some of my personal issues. I recall this girl I blogged about now I asked her out and she rejected me etc. But I need to stop trying I feel that I am all over her. We are constantly fighting and flirting. But she has a boy friend. I need to give up but when I am around her I don't know something comes over me that I cannot control myself I lose my demeanor. I start acting barbaric. Like a caveman or something but I need to stop. But I really like her a lot. But she is not a Christian and it would be unwise to go out with her because she can distract me from God. So I need to give her some space. So yeah! That it for now next time I might share my second favorite argument for the existence of God namely the Axiological argument or the moral argument. Well tally ho!

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